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Is it possible to determine what database a given user has access to using SQL Server

I have a SQL Server that has multiple databases, I want to allow my users to browse the databases they have permission to without having to give them all the databases they might have access to. Is it possible to determine what databases a given user has access to, programatically.


There is a metadata table named sys.databases in SQL Server. Here is the documentation for the same.
SELECT @dbName = db_name
FROM sys.databases
WHERE name NOT IN (‘master’, ‘tempdb’,’model’,’msdb’, ‘ReportServer’)

FROM sys.databases
WHERE name = @dbName

But you may want to use this instead of the metadata table.
select * from sys.databases where db_id in (select database_id from sys.database_principals where principal_id=your_user_id)

Have a look on this for a more readable solution.

The Super Bowl of dieting.

If you ask me, there are two big contenders for the title of “Super Bowl” of dieting.

That’s the way I think of the annual Super Bowl football game (football to a large portion of the world, that is), a game with foods that are man-made and full of sugar.

That’s right. The Super Bowl is a food fest. And at the center of it all is the cheeseburger.

A study published this month in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, reports that eating a lot of sugar not only gives us a sugar high, it also causes us to eat more.

And studies show that, at least, in men, a super bowl of food can lead to a sugar high that lasts way longer than the game itself.

The study

The researchers at the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases at the National Institutes of Health led by Dr. Joslin A. Glenn et al. found that, in men, consuming a large amount of sugar “predicts greater declines in sensitivity to bitter stimuli in

Date-Time-Size Limba
Mar 4, 2020 – 1 month ago. As you can read the movie is about Shrek and Princess Fiona’s (Cameron Diaz) children trying to help their parents to solve their financial troubles. .
TOP.TV 615 MB 20-3-2020 – Piscine Romane MEGALOMANIC Super-Shrek-Legumele Sue cu Limba Romana…
Mar 5, 2020 – 1 month ago. The 60th anniversary of Shrek premiere and I was thinking of rewatching the movie and how I watch it when it was new. Enjoy! .
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