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In order to get the string you need to parse the entire result (it’s in xml) and get the element you are looking for like this:
$xml = simplexml_load_string($result);

//get the ones you want
$matches = $xml->xpath(‘//track/group/track/name[.=”Killerspilze”]’);

$group = $xml->xpath(‘//group[@track=”Killerspilze”]’);

$tracks = $xml->xpath(‘//track[@group=”Killerspilze”]’);

$track = $xml->xpath(‘//track[@name=”Die zauberflöte”]’);

$mp3 = $xml->xpath(‘//mp3[@filesize>=1024]’);

$pls = $xml->xpath(‘//pls[@name=”Killerpilze mit pauken und raketen”]’);

$okay = $xml->xpath(‘//okay[@name=”Killerpilze mit pauken und raketen”]’);

echo $track[0][0]->asXML();
echo $matches[0];
echo $group[0]->getName();
echo $tracks[0]->getTrackName();
echo $mp3[0]->getFilename();
echo $pls[0]->getFileSize();
echo $okay[0]->getExtension();

Review of the genus Mastigostrobus Lepeletier & Audinet-Serville, 1825 (Lepidoptera, Zygaenoidea, Copromorphidae).
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