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Basically, you have many case you use this two command together, else you’ll have problem to connect your database


Trying to pass back multiple models from controller

I have a model named ApplicationDocument which has a list of Items. Each Item has a Name.
ApplicationDocument creates an instance of ApplicationDocument which it then tries to pass to the UI (via the MVC framework). The problem is that when it tries to pass the model to the UI it only has one item in its list. I am not sure how to pass back multiple items.
Here is what I am using:
public ActionResult Index(ApplicationDocument model)
return View(model);

public ActionResult Create(ApplicationDocument model)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
//save the Document
//get Items for the Document
//send back to the view

This is how I am passing it back to the view:
public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = “Id,Name,NumberItems”)] ApplicationDocument applicationDocument)
return View(applicationDocument);

So it looks like I only get the first item in the list.


Try this
public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = “Id,Name,Items”)] ApplicationDocument applicationDocument)

Note the Items element in the Bind()
If the binding fails for one or more properties on a given model (for example when using a Create form with a model containing a list property), that property is not copied to the model state. A common pitfall is to use [Bind(Include = “Property”)] instead of [Bind(Include = “Property,Property2,etc”)], which would ignore properties that failed binding. If you are using attributes such as [Bind(Include = “Property”)] or [Bind(Include = “Property,Property2,etc”)] as part of your form, you should consider using the DataAnnotationsModelValidator

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advantage I have a while since I have done a tutorial in using web-scale WordPress in the cloud, before I had to face the fact that my WordPress installation would be almost impossible to update, as it is something that I donít really know how to do or it even is not that big of a deal to do in the first place. Web-scale WordPress in the cloud. save the changes.

In the top left corner, click “Settings”. In the “General” tab on the left.

WordPress menu. The web hosting files and databases are stored on the web server. From the WordPress menu screen, choose “Settings”.

WordPress menu, where “General” is the very top option. Click “General”. In the menu, choose “Settings”.

WordPress menu, where “General” is the very top option. WordPress menu, where “General” is the very top option. Click “General”.

In the “General” tab, choose “Settings”. Select “Plugins” in the left side bar.

From the WordPress menu, choose “Settings”. In the menu, choose “General”. From the WordPress menu, choose “Settings”. In the menu, choose “General”.

Be sure that “Auto-update” is ticked. The web hosting files and databases are stored on the web server. To prevent them from