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Is it possible to determine the current user via Google Analytics API?

I’m using the Google Analytics API v4 and am successfully pulling data from my account. However, I can’t seem to figure out how to pull the user ID from a device for the session (a.k.a. browser).
Some of the filter values in the API returns NULL or an empty string, but it’s still pulling data from the right account. The browser is identifying the device as “any user”.
Is there any way to pull this information from the API or is it only available in the BigQuery dashboard?


Google Analytics for web can not determine who’s using a particular browser.
But using GA for iOS app this capability exist.
Moreover google provides API and some code samples.
Sample is:

Automation in the workplace is on the rise. Key industries are already adopting automation and traditional jobs are being threatened by changing demand. In fact, the odds are that job losses due to automation will outweigh those created by the automated economy by 2035.

But how can we get the current workforce to adapt to the developing automation economy? There’s one clear answer: by boosting the profile of automation education.

The opportunities

A new report called The Future of Jobs shows that the skills gap in emerging automation-related technologies is now widest between IT skills and a range of non-IT skills, and that this gap will grow rather than shrink.

We need to educate a new generation of workers who understand the potential of automated systems. We need to train an IT workforce for a non-IT world.

The good news is that automation skills are not very hard

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